Linguiça Hot Dog

Linguiça Hot Dog
You're not dreaming…someone took a Linguica, and made it into a hot dog. And thank goodness they did, because I truly do not like hot dogs! But this…..this is something special!! Shop Portuguese sells these bad boys and you can find the link to them all over my page! I added my special farinheira sauce to this one too!
- 1 pack Michaels Linguica Franks
- 1 Farinheira
- 1/2 Onion
- 3 cloves Garlic
- 1 tbsp Mustard
- 2 tbsp Parsley
- 3/4 cup Vinho Verde or Beer
- 2 tbsp Tomato Paste
- Pre heat grill, and when it's nice and hot, toss the Linguiça franks on. I like to put a slit down the middle.
- Take the casing off the farinheira and break the insides up into little chunks. As small as you can get them.
- Start off a pan with a little olive oil, garlic, onions and parsley. When it starts to smell good, add farinheira, mix and let cook for about 2 minutes.
- Mix some more, and add mustard, tomato paste, mix again. After another minute or so, add in the vinho verde and let cook at medium heat. Continue mixing so nothing burns. The sauce will begin to thicken as the alcohol reduces.
- Build your hot dog, sauce it up, and add batatinhas palha palha on top.
- Come, e Cala – te!